Tourist attractions

The museum presents the exemplary look of a pharmacy at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries. In one of the two rooms one can admire stylish furniture from that period, pharmacy equipment and tools used to prepare medicines. The second room has been developed as a pharmacy storeroom, where old prescriptions and documents are being presented. Admission to the museum is free. Opening hours:Wed. - Sat.: 11.30 - 16.30 ul. Grodzka 5a20-112 Lublintel. +48 532 515 448 ...

The magnificent Archcathedral is a must-see when visiting Lublin. It is a former Jesuit church, built in 1586-1604. The temple was built according to the design of Italian architects Jan Mario Bernardoni and Joseph Bricci, in the Baroque style. The church was modeled on the Roman Jesuit temple Il Gesu. In 1604 the church was consecrated by the Cracow bishop Bernard Maciejowski and received a call of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist. Along with the church, the Jesuits built a college which buildings once surrounded today's Cathedral Square. After a fire in 1752, the church was r ...

NOTICE – The museum is closed due to relocation. ul. Stadionowa 120-401 Lublintel. +48 81 466 51 ...

Lubelski koziołek zaprasza do swojego domu. Podczas wizyty odwiedzający poznają najbardziej znane lubelskie legendy, dowiedzą się kilku ciekawostek na temat regionalnej kuchni, oraz wykonają własną pieczęć. Atrakcja dedykowana jest zarówno grupom zorganizowanym jak i turystom indywidualnym. ...

ul. Żmigród 120-110 Lublintel. +48 81 534 52 ...

ul. Lubartowska 1020-115 Lublintel. +48 602 473 ...

Muzeum Motoryzacji "Jaro Retro Auto Classic Garage" w Lublinie prezentuje prywatną kolekcję aut, zarówno polskich jak i zagranicznych. Wśród zbiorów znalazły się exponaty takie jak rodzimy Lublin 51, syrenka czy klasyczny polski "maluch", zaś wśród samochodów spoza naszego kraju wypatrzeć można m. in. chevrolet corvette C3 stingray oraz bugatti type 35. Niektóre z eksponatów mają nawet 100 lat. ...

The Former Academy of Sages of Lublin (Yeshiva Chachmei Lublin) in 85 Lubartowska Street on the corner of Unicka Street. This formidable edifice, erected in 1930, was financed from contributions of Jewish communities from all over the world. The academy revived the traditions of Talmudic studies which flourished in Lublin in the Old Polish period.Yeshiva had a vast library with Hebrew publications from the 16th and the 17th c. The best preserved part of the interior is the lecture hall, which once served as a prayer room. After World War II the building was given to the Medical Academy b ...

ul. Narutowicza 620-004 Lublintel. +48 81 525 88 31 w. ...
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