The palace belonged to various excellent polish aristocratic families. In the XVI century a renaissance manor of the Firlej family was located here. In its proximity the camp of the Lithuanian emissaries who came to Lublin in 1569 was located.

In the next century it belonged to the Lubomirski family, who commissioned the flemish architect Tylman van Gameren to redesign it in the baroque style. The next owners were the Sanguszko and the Szeptycki families. In the years 1823-1824 the palace was adapted in accordance with the designs of the architects Stompf and Hempel to serve as the governor’s headquarters. After the fire of 1829, the palace was rebuilt in the classicist style under the supervision of Henryk Marconi – an eminent architect of Italian descent.

On November 7th, 1918, a session of the Provisional People's Government of the Republic of Poland took place in the palace.